Wing Chun Principles
Tenets of Wing Chun include practicality, efficiency and economy of movement. Wing Chun techniques emphasize these tenets to maintain its ideals on effectiveness.
Wing Chun believes in using the least amount of required force in any fighting situation. It believes properly timed positioning and practical movements can and should be used to defeat an opponent. This is achieved through balance, body structure, and relaxation.
Most Wing Chun attacks take the straightest possible path to the target based on the concept that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Primary targets all lie along the centerline, an imaginary vertical line bisecting the opponent’s vitals (throat, heart, stomach, groin). The Wing Chun punch is delivered centrally from the practitioner’s chest rather than diagonally from the shoulders in the first two forms. This helps teach the centerline concept. In the later forms, the punch is delivered diagonally from the shoulder to the centerline. This is because the distance is shorter than bringing the hand from the shoulder, to the center of the chest, and then down the centerline at the opponent.
Wing Chun Forms
There are six forms in Wing Chun.
The first three are empty hand forms.
The fourth is performed on a wooden dummy,
The last two are weapons forms.
Sil Lum Tao (小念頭 Little Idea)
Chum Kiu (尋桥 Bridging the Gap)
Biu Ji (标指 Thrusting Fingers)
Mook Yan Jong (木人樁 Wooden Dummy)
Baat Jam Dao (八斩刀 Butterfly Swords/Eight Cut Swords)
Look Dim Boon Grun (六点半杆 Dragon Pole/Six and Half Point Pole)
Forms are meditative, solitary exercises which develop self-awareness, balance, relaxation, and sensitivity. Forms also train the practitioner in the fundamental movement and the correct force generation of Wing Chun.
Chi Sau
Chi Sao or “sticking hands” is the term for the principle and drills used for the development of automatic reflexes upon contact and the idea of “sticking” to the opponent.
In Wing Chun this is practiced through two practitioners maintaining contact with each other’s forearms while executing techniques, thereby training each other to sense changes in body mechanics, pressure, momentum and “feel”. This increased sensitivity gained from this drill helps a practitioner attack and counter an opponent’s movements precisely, quickly and with the appropriate technique.